On the 2nd, an anonymous person revealed answers he or she received from the commerce platform when he or she complained about the actor featured in the commercial. In response, the company wrote, ŌĆ£Kim Seon Ho has been selected to represent us since April, and he has been a hardworking member of the community. Since he had already made an apology and that was accepted, we have decided to reinstate him.ŌĆØ

They added, ŌĆ£This was an advertisement that was filmed before the scandal broke out in October. Therefore, we decided to upload the advertisement as a part of the November campaign starting the 1st at 11 AM. We ask for your understanding.ŌĆØ Kim Seon Ho faced a scandal over his private life when an anonymous person claiming to be his ex-girlfriend stated that the actor had forced her to get an abortion. Since then, Kim Seon Ho was removed from the companyŌĆÖs advertisements. However, when the public opinion of the actor soon changed after the messages he exchanged with his ex were released, many platforms started to restore the advertisement they previously removed. ┬Ā Source (1)

11STREET Reinstates Kim Seon Ho as Their Brand Model and Replies to Customer Complains Asking For the Actor s Removal - 111STREET Reinstates Kim Seon Ho as Their Brand Model and Replies to Customer Complains Asking For the Actor s Removal - 6