Like how Woo Young Woo (Park Eun Bin) said, ŌĆ£Though my life is unusual and peculiar, itŌĆÖs valuable and beautiful,ŌĆØ the drama ended by announcing the new beginning of the ŌĆ£extraordinaryŌĆØ attorney rather than the end. In the final episode, Woo Young Woo and Hanbada competed with Taesan in the largest class-action lawsuit when users of the online shopping mall Raon sought damages for a personal data breach. Woo Young Woo found herself confused when she found out that the hacker that hacked into RaonŌĆÖs system was Choi Sang Hyun (Choi Hyun Jin), Tae Soo MiŌĆÖs (Jin Kyung) son. Not only did Choi Sang Hyun confess to all his crimes, but he also revealed that it was none other than RoanŌĆÖs co-CEO Kim Chan Hong (Ryu Kyung Hwan) that asked him to do the deed. Struggling between ŌĆ£social justiceŌĆØ and ŌĆ£clientŌĆÖs interest,ŌĆØ Woo Young Woo came up with a brilliant idea that satisfies both. Having fulfilled her role and responsibility as a lawyer, she has grown one step further. On the first day she went to work as a full-time attorney of Hanbada, a new emotion called ŌĆ£a sense of fulfillmentŌĆØ bloomed in Woo Young WooŌĆÖs world. And of course, her romance with Lee Jun Ho (Kang Tae Oh) also saw a happy ending. Lee Jun Ho showed his sincerity to her, saying, ŌĆ£My feelings toward you are like the unrequited love toward a cat. Cats sometimes make their owners lonely, but they make them just as happy too.ŌĆØ Woo Young Woo responded to his touching confession, ŌĆ£The expression ŌĆśthe unrequited love toward a catŌĆÖ is inappropriate. Because cats love their owners too. So letŌĆÖs not break up.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, the final episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo reached up to 17.5% viewer ratings, setting its all-time best record. Source (1)