He confessed how he joined the series playing On Dal, the main character of the KBS River Where The Moon Rises. ŌĆ£On my way back from filming another movie, I got a call from my agency. And I got nervous, thinking that I did something wrong, or there was a problem. Then they told me that there is a role that I can join right in if I say ŌĆśYES.ŌĆÖ Since such an incident happened for the first time in public broadcastingŌĆÖs history, the only thing I could think of was taking this job. I could use the opportunity to demonstrate my capability as an actor with great passion.ŌĆØ
After his performance, his efforts paid off. He became the example of somebody whoŌĆÖs done a fantastic job and is getting recognized more and more. The hosts asked Na In Woo whether it hit him yet. Na answered, ŌĆ£Popularity is something that can disappear at any time. I try not to get too excited about it.ŌĆØ He said, ŌĆ£By joining in the middle of the show, I couldnŌĆÖt sleep and didnŌĆÖt have time to memorize the script. 80% of the lines were improvised. I lost 8kg in a month and a half.ŌĆØ In addition, he added that heŌĆÖd got a hectic schedule, saying, ŌĆ£I urgently joined filming the 7th episode, and after finishing the filming until the 20th episode, we immediately began reshooting the first six episodes.ŌĆØ When Kim Gu Ra asked him, ŌĆ£You basically have saved the KBS. Do you expect to win the best actor from the KBS awards?ŌĆØ Na In Woo replied with gratitude, ŌĆ£I donŌĆÖt expect to win an award. I feel grateful just to be invited to the event.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£I am still processing all of this. But I feel great. People say that I look similar to the description of On Dal in the original traditional tale. IŌĆÖm happy that I was able to blend in easily.ŌĆØ He made people smile by showing his trick of making the On Dal face. In addition, he said that he communicates with animals and, surprisingly, with guitars. He confessed, ŌĆ£Well, ŌĆścommunicateŌĆÖ might not be the right word, but I consider them as beings so that I tend to give them names.ŌĆØ Also, he shared how he made a debut as the first actor in Cube Entertainment after quitting his traineeship in JYP. He said, ŌĆ£When I was in high school, I was thinking about my future. And Cube reached out to me that they want me to join their new acting branch.ŌĆØ Expressing his sincere gratitude for his first appearance on the talk show, he said, ŌĆ£I was nervous because it is my first time making a guest appearance in an official variety show. Thanks to the hosts and other guests, I had a great time. I will do my best to present you with various roles. Thank you very much.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Na In Woo has confirmed his appearance in JinxŌĆÖs Lover by River Where The Moon Rises director Yoon Sang Ho. ┬Ā Source (1, 2) Translator Kim Y.U: Welcome K-pop, K-drama, K-movie, K-culture fans. I hope you enjoy our news about K-entertainment.