Recently, a video caricaturing NewJeansŌĆÖ ŌĆ£Hype BoyŌĆØ choreography went viral on Instagram, making the fans frown. The video showed the dancers making fun of the choreography with exaggerated gestures and ridiculous expressions. The ŌĆ£Hype BoyŌĆØ MV was playing in the background. The man wearing the orange pants in the video. HeŌĆÖs a dancer participating in MnetŌĆÖs survival show Street Man Fighter as a member of the ygx crew. One thing to note here is that Black. Q, another dancer team participating in the show, was the one who made the ŌĆ£Hype BoyŌĆØ choreography. So this video has raised criticism that the dancer has caricatured a colleagueŌĆÖs work. This whole situation reminded fans of HyeinŌĆÖs MV version of the song. In it, Hyein was disappointed to see someone she liked mimicking her choreography in a ridiculous way. Other members commented ŌĆō ŌĆ£Are they imitating us?ŌĆØ ŌĆ£They want attention,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£That is not our move,ŌĆØ and ŌĆ£WhatŌĆÖs wrong with them?ŌĆØ

With criticisms piling up, the dancers deleted the clip. Source (1) ┬Ā